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County Commission Minutes 03/10/99

A regular meeting of the County of Dukes County Commissioners was held on Wednesday, March 10, 1999, at 7:30 p.m. at the Dukes County Courthouse, notice of such meeting having been posted as required by law.

Commissioners Present:  Linda B. Sibley, Chairman
                                E. B. Collins
                                Leonard Jason, Jr.                              
Leslie H. Leland
Robert M. Sawyer
Also Present:           Carol Borer, County Manager
                                Mary Ann M. Alwardt, Executive Assistant
                                Michael McCormack, County Sheriff
                                Ethan Kelley, Vineyard Gazette

Chairman Sibley called the meeting to order at 7:30 p.m.

The minutes of the February 10, 1999, meeting were addressed.
Commissioner Collins made a Motion to Approve these minutes.
Commissioner Leland Seconded the motion for discussion.
Commissioner Sawyer commented on page 04, next to last paragraph, referencing Mr. Powers’ discussion regarding an enterprise fund for the Airport department.  He indicated that he feels that Mr. Powers did not actually suggest setting up an enterprise fund, but recommended it as an option.
Chairman Sibley indicated that she feels it was recommended, based on the fact that this has been recommended in the past.
Commissioner Collins commented that it had been noted that a separate enterprise fund was the only way for the County to be reimbursed by the Airport.
After further discussion, these minutes were Tabled to the next meeting; tapes to be reviewed in order to establish clarity regarding this matter.
It was noted that the minutes of the February 16, 1999 and February 24, 1999, meetings are pending.

County Manager’s Report:  Mrs. Borer reported on the County Engineer position.  She noted that the application deadline passed last Friday.  She reported that 11 resumes were received from candidates from Massachusetts, Vermont and Connecticut; 8 international resumes received.  She indicated that the Search Committee is presently reviewing the resumes
and applications and will be putting together a list of candidates to review;
should be completed by the end of next week.  She welcomed the

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County Commissioners                                            Page 02

Commissioners to review the applications and resumes.
Mrs. Borer reported that the FY2000 budget is closed and noted that the Advisory Board voted on and approved it.  She indicated that final touches are being made before forwarding it to the State for approval.
Mrs. Borer reported that she has been in touch with Rep. Turkington with regard to hearing dates on the two pieces of legislation that the Legislation Subcommittee has been working on; will advise as to scheduled dates.
Mrs. Borer noted that various RFP’s have been prepared for lots at the Airport Business Park.  She indicated that she has been meeting with County Counsel on various issues.  She also reported that the individuals assigned to the committee to review the County’s classification plan is in the process of reviewing job descriptions/classifications and should have some recommendations to her by the beginning of April.
Commissioner Leland inquired as to how many lots are available at the Business Park.
Mrs. Borer indicated that there are about five lots remaining in the retail section, and in approximately another six weeks, may have only one lot remaining in the utility section.
Commissioner Collins inquired as to the receipt of a monthly financial report.
Mrs. Borer indicated that it was her intention to furnish a revenue report each month, which would provide an idea of how collections are going.  She indicated that she would look into including a brief department-by-department report.

Chairman’s Report: Chairman Sibley indicated that she had nothing to report at this time.

Subcommittee Reports:  Commissioner Jason reported that he met with Earl Littlefield regarding the location of an Operation Center for Dukes County Emergency Management.  He indicated that they are scheduled to meet again at 4:00 p.m. on Friday.  He reported that they are examining the possibility of locating on a lot in front of the Communication Center and sharing their existing tower.
Commissioner Sawyer reported that a second meeting of the Regional Education Subcommittee is scheduled for 6:00 p.m. on Thursday.

Commissioners addressed Old Business:  Mrs. Borer reported that the County Commissioners made a site visit last Wednesday of the proposed relocation
of the Cape Air building.  She indicated that they discussed possibly clearing
a larger number of trees in addition to possibly locating the building in the
area of one of the Hot Tin Roof parking lots.  She reported that she has

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County Commissioners                                            Page 03

spoken with Herb Putnam (Hot Tin Roof), and he was receptive to siting the
building in the parking lot in exchange for a comparable parking area further east of his existing parking areas.  Mrs. Borer reviewed a sketch plan of the proposed building site, including plans for a future addition.
Commissioner Jason suggested utilizing the existing parking lot for parking and to locate the building on the adjacent vacant lot.
Commissioner Leland inquired as to what the future addition refers to.
Mrs. Borer noted that the Cape Air building is to be utilized by the County Engineer and the Water Testing Lab.  She indicated that the future addition is proposed for County offices in the event that the State takes over the courthouse building; i.e. County Manager, County Treasurer, meeting space.
Mrs. Borer indicated that she would plan to make a presentation to the Airport Commission for their determination.  
Chairman Sibley suggested acquiring a letter from the Hot Tin Roof indicating their willingness to make this swap.
Mrs. Borer commented that consideration might have to be given to paving a portion of or the entire parking lot, since this area has been described to her as a “mud hole”.
Commissioner Jason suggested the County pave the lot and allow the Hot Tin Roof to utilize it evenings with the understanding that the County will utilize it during the day.  He indicated that this would eliminate the need to develop another parking lot.
Chairman Sibley indicated that she would agree with this concept; however, feels that it would be a cleaner transaction to do a land swap.
It was a consensus of the Commissioners to have the County Manager proceed accordingly.

Mrs. Borer distributed, for the Commissioners to review, copies of Cape Light Compact achievements, “The Cape Light Compact Energy Efficiency Plan – Overview and Current Status”, and a review copy of the Cape Light Compact Aggregation Plan.  She noted that Barnstable County has been generous in providing a substantial amount toward program funding in assisting the Vineyard’s efforts with this municipal aggregation project.
Commissioner Jason inquired as to how things are coming along with a supplier.
Mrs. Borer reported that RFP’s are presently out and due March 26th.  She indicated that eight potential suppliers have submitted bids; hope to award by beginning of May.  
Mrs. Borer noted that a Cape Cod Energy Fair is being held on the Cape this Saturday; location & time to be published in the Cape Cod Times.
Chairman Sibley inquired as to whether Bill Ray’s video presentation was

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County Commissioners                                            Page 04

ever acquired; suggested would be informative to air on Channel 8.
Mrs. Borer indicated that she would pursue this.
Mrs. Borer noted that town counsels will be required to review the draft power supply contract.  She indicated that this contract would be slightly more technical than the previous contract.

Commissioner Jason commented on the February 25th minutes of the Dukes County Health Council and suggested that they be reminded that no actions should be taken without a quorum.
Commissioner Sawyer commented on previous discussions regarding solid waste regionalization.  He indicated the need to communicate this initiative to the community and suggested that Mrs. Borer forward a letter to the Boards of Selectmen, the Refuse District and the solid waste subcommittees for the Towns of Oak Bluffs and Tisbury.
Commissioner Jason reiterated that it is the goal to reunite the six towns into one district with one transfer station.
After further discussion, the Commissioners formed a regional solid waste subcommittee; members being Commissioners Collins & Sawyer (Leland – alternate).  Mrs. Borer commented that she would envision this committee coming together at some point with the DEM Airport swap subcommittee.
Chairman Sibley suggested that the DEM Airport swap project subcommittee set up a meeting with Brendan O’Neil (member of advisory board on State Forests) and communicate the County’s proposal.
Mrs. Borer indicated that she would arrange a meeting.

Commissioners addressed New Business:  Commissioner Sawyer noted that it had been previously discussed and suggested to form a subcommittee to address awards/rewards/acknowledgements.
A Proclamation Subcommittee was formed; members being Commissioners Collins, Jason & Sawyer.
Mrs. Borer reported that the next meeting of The All Island Selectmen’s Association is scheduled for April 7th.  She noted that George Leontire (New Bedford Solicitor) will be in attendance with his consultants to present the operational study for New Bedford.

Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.

Complete text of meeting is available on tape at the County Commissioner’s office.

 CLERK OF THE COURTS                                   minutes031099.doc